It seems inane to wish it, but the sentiment's sincere. These past years of Covid and its aftermath have indeed been utter crap. Over seven million lives were lost because of a systemic and ethical failure in the top echelons of world governance. Some of us have survived, but most of us are carrying the wounds.
Back home in Sweden - does anyone remember Sweden? Such a nice place. Not too long ago. They've gone Full Batshit™ there. Even the sleepy are waking up to the Covid fraud. But not Sweden! Sweden's still going all-in for the killer jabs. Healthcare workers who are afflicted with too much functional grey matter have to resign their positions. Seriously. It's just unbelievable. Other-worldly. WTF is wrong with people?
OK, here's the score. And the data. For once and, one would hope, for all, but it won't be the last time because some people don't wake up even after getting hit over and over with the proverbial clue bat.
Get over to the FLCCC now. Not tomorrow - now. FFS.
Stock up on Ivermectin. This should actually be put in the water supply. Abracadabra, no one's ill anymore. 12mg once or twice monthly to protect against Covid, 3mg to protect against the common cold.
There's a new outlet: ivermectin[dot]com. They get theirs from India. You can as well. IndiaMart[dot]com. That site's a jungle, so choose wisely. Anyone needing further tips can contact us.
Follow Steve Kirsch. He's a real hero. See if you can locate Tess Lawrie. She's a real hero too. But Steve's got the latest on all the damage done by the killer jabs and all the coverups. Steve's testified at Ron Johnson's Senate hearings so he's 100% kosher.
These guys ship anywhere in the US.
If you're in good shape and good health, you want Omicron. Omicron is the 'funny uncle', as Ryan Cole described it. It's missing significant parts of the genome of earlier deadlier strains and it's contagious as all fuck. Sometimes with an R0 of 10. But that's a good thing. As Omicron displaces earlier potentially lethal strains.
Do you see what's going on here? We know today that the Bill Gates jabs make you more susceptible to Covid infection. They don't help - they hurt.
So stop taking the blasted jabs! Get over to the FLCCC and see what they have to say. And start taking Ivermectin. That's going to help against long Covid, and it's also going to help if you're one of the 1.5% of humanity that's going to be struck down by the effects of the Bill Gates jab.
Here's another morsel to swirl around over your taste buds. It's now coming out that the official remedy for SARS-1 was... drum roll... Ivermectin. Now who wouldn't want a cheap pill like that? Oh let's see... Perhaps an obscenely wealthy billionaire who made his fortune selling third-grade software and went on to dump most of his fortune into the vaccine industry? Nails, hammers, Bill Gates and vaccines. Someone needs to put him out of our misery. Seven million lives already.
Anyway. Back to NYC.
New York City celebrated a kind of landmark New Year's Eve, at least in our estimation. The whole streamed broadcast went on for over six hours, provided by the official Times Square YouTube channel. Most telling were the crowd scenes right after the ball dropped. People were hugging and kissing and smiling. Overhead, in loudspeakers that could not be seen but could definitely be heard, followed Frankie Boy with New York New York and 'IZ' with his immortal medley of Somewhere Over The Rainbow and What A Wonderful World.
We got a '9/11' vibe from it. As if the nightmare era of the Twin Towers were suddenly and inexplicably behind us at last.
That's an inappropriate time, some will say. The federal government of the United States continues to pour trillions into a defunct comedian backed by resurgent World War Two Nazi groups, something that's got history buffs and increasingly working class people shaking their heads and their fists. Meanwhile, the one-time plagiarist of Neil Kinnock is off somewhere on a Caribbean island and representatives of the US legislature, or so we've heard, decided to join him so he can sign a new $1.7 trillion spending spree into law.
Over to the east, people wait for the supposed impending winter move on the Ukraine. Isn't the ground frozen yet? When does that soil freeze? Or have all the 'experts' got it wrong? What is Putin doing? Who is he resisting? Lots of the closest advisers are more hawkish than Putin and would rather have moved in ASAP. But who knows?
Meanwhile, Andrei Martyanov posted the same ABBA clip we posted.
Now, catching up.
It seems Sony Music Entertainment got Google/YouTube to remove the official Times Square New Year's Eve clip. At least that's what some people are reporting. We have the page cached, so maybe that's why we can still view it. Regardless, the full IZ medley is worth a listen.
Perhaps others have noticed. Google seems to have put in new code to stop people from stopping the incessant and very annoying adverts.
And back to business. The computer business, that is.
We have a somewhat modified Test Drive up. The reason for this is we discovered that, once one ventures outside the Safari corral, HTML doesn't work the same way anymore. Our documentation system, exclusively in HTML, used an 'include' for the stylesheet, but other browsers don't understand that. At a cost of about 15 KB, we've embedded the stylesheet into each of our 88 documentation files. We applied this long ago to our registered copies, and have now updated our Test Drive as well.
You can always access the latest Test Drive through the following link.
We've phased out the special 'Xfile' package and gone over to support only for the full ACP. Registered Xfile users who need to download again can have the full ACP on request, and then just prune away what they don't want.
Past Masters
We've signalled this two times already, and it's about ready to roll out. The Past Masters library. We'll be sending out formal notification to all registered users shortly.
Newcomers who want access to Past Masters - without having purchased the Xfile package or the full ACP - will be able to purchase permanent access for a nominal fee.
We've looked a bit into how this seems to work with other software companies. These companies often offer access to archives of past releases. Some go out of their way to offer every last point update, something we find egregious. But - most importantly - those software titles are often built as shareware, meaning there are time limitations on their use.
If Acme File Remover cost $25 back in 2002, then it's still going to cost $25 today. And that sucks.
Our products never come with time limitations or any shareware nonsense. We had our opportunity years ago when every computer magazine wanted to put our stuff on their cover CDs, as they were called. We refused. Quite simply, we have too much pride in our work to soil our code with nefarious hooks. If you want the product and the product has a price tag, then there's a reason for that, and you either pay up or you don't. If you want to test drive a product first, then we'll often offer a dedicated test drive for that purpose. But we don't want our software running around on people's systems with that kind of junk onboard. So, for example, we have the ACP Test Drive. If you like it and decide to go all-in for the real thing, then you get a completely new product. You don't punch in some stupid purchase code using logic that's going to check you every time you launch. Our code does the assigned job - that's it.
Rumble Bumble
Perhaps you've noticed. Rumble pulled a bit of a 'bait and switch' on all its fans. Starting a few weeks ago, you have to provide identification to be able to comment on or rate a Rumble clip. Perhaps it's possible to get a throwaway SIM for this purpose, but the decision is staggering. Rumble is invading privacy. Even info glutton Google doesn't go that far. Repeated inquiries to Rumble management are met with crickets.
PS. Our ACP users will receive an update shortly. This update will cover minimal changes to the product as well as information on getting access to our Past Masters library.
Best wishes to all for 2023.